Corridor Route Description
The Corridor M greenway corridor is approximately 2.00 miles in length and connects New Harvest Park to Spring Place Park.
The Corridor M greenway corridor begins at the existing Harvest Park Shopping Center greenway trail at the intersection of Washington Pike and Greenway Drive. The corridor proceeds approximately 0.20 mile as a 10-foot wide sidepath along Washington Pike and Mall Road North to the intersection with the entry drive to the Kohl's shopping center. From that point the Corridor M greenway trail turns onto private property and proceeds approximately 0.23 miles as a 10-foot wide trail off-street along the south side of the shopping center parking lot. The corridor proceeds in a northeasterly direction as a 10-foot wide off-street greenway trail within the overhead power easement for approximately 0.53 miles before turning southeasterly and continuing approximately 0.26 miles to connect with Love's Creek Rd. The corridor proceeds along the west side of Love's Creek Road as a neighborhood connector (8-ft sidewalk with on-street bicycle designation) for approximately 0.26 miles. The corridor turns onto private property and continues approximately 0.12 miles as a 10-foot wide off-street greenway trail until it intersects with Millertown Pike. The corridor proceeds on the existing greenway along the west side of Millertown Pike for approximately 0.05 miles, crossing Love Creek on the existing roadway culvert. At the intersection of Miller Place Way the corridor crosses Millertown Pike and proceeds along Love Creek approximately 0.09 miles as a 10-foot wide off-street greenway trail to a point where it connects with the existing greenway trail at the Walmart Supercenter. The existing greenway trail along the Walmart property is approximately 0.23 miles long. The corridor continues in a southeasterly direction approximately 0.21 miles to the intersection of Love's Creek Road and Buffat Mill Rd. The trail crosses Buffat Mill and immediately crosses Love's Creek Road. The corridor proceeds along the east side of Love's Creek Rd. approximately 0.19 miles to a location where it crosses Love Creek and connects to the existing Spring Place Park greenway trail.
No demolition is anticipated in this corridor. The typical trail cross section shall be 2” asphalt over 6” base stone. Curb ramps and greenway trail crosswalk pavement markings are provided at all street crossings. Sitework will include retaining wall improvements at various locations along the corridor. Two pedestrian bridges are proposed to span over Love Creek.
Greenway Connectivity
Corridor M connects three greenway segments, New Harvest Park, Walmart and Spring Place Park, for a total connected length of 3.20 miles of continuous greenway.
View Complete Corridor M Narrative [PDF]