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Thanks to a $17.8 M federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant and a $4.45 M City match, look for work to begin on game-changing safety improvements to a 0.75-mile stretch of Chapman Highway. 

Projects buttonCody Gentry
Vision Zero Coordinator
[email protected]


  2023 Annual Report for Vision Zero
Click here to view the Vision Zero 2023 Annual Report
Safety is a No. 1 priority for Knoxville. That includes safety for everyone who uses our local roads.

Navigating our city should not be a life-or-death proposition, whether you’re driving a car, a bicycle, a motorcycle, walking or using a wheelchair.

The City is committed to eliminating traffic fatalities on City-controlled roads by 2040.

Vision Zero looks at safety from all angles – engineering, walkability, signage, law enforcement, education, human behavior.

As you will see in this report, 36 people died in 2023 due to traffic crashes on non-interstate roadways in Knoxville city limits.

One death is too many.

We have already implemented some solutions that will slow the trend in traffic deaths and make our roads safer.

In March 2024, the City hired our first Vision Zero Coordinator, Cody Gentry. His 17 years of experience in our Transportation Engineering department, communicating with neighbors on safety issues and implementation, has prepared him for this role of guiding community-wide efforts to improve road safety.

In the year ahead, we will begin projects to address three of the most dangerous intersections in the City –- funded by federal dollars from with the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program. And we will work with neighbors to implement simple, low-cost solutions to solve safety issues.

Together, we will make Knoxville streets safer for everyone and save lives .

  City of Knoxville Vision Zero Action Plan

City Action Plan
  TPO Regional Roadway Safety Action Plan

Regional Roadway Safety Action Plan


Child on BikeEvery year, people who live, work, and travel in Knoxville are needlessly injured or killed in traffic crashes. The City rejects the status quo that these life-altering crashes are inevitable. In reality, tragedies can be prevented through bold and aggressive action. We embrace a Vision Zero approach, which means shifting our priorities from moving vehicles quickly to moving people safely, and taking a proactive approach to prevent crashes before they happen.

In 2021, City Council unanimously resolved to endorse a Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries on Knoxville’s streets. Vision Zero aligns with the City’s focus on public safety, connectivity, and equitable mobility. By using a comprehensive approach that brings together road design, public education, and law enforcement, we can prevent life-altering crashes.

Steps to achieve Vision Zero in Knoxville include:
  • Designating a high injury network, those roadway segments that see the most life-altering crashes in our city.
  • Identifying projects and strategies that will reduce the number of fatal and severe injury crashes on our roadways.
  • Creating a transparent platform for tracking our progress on improving roadway safety.
  • Coordinating between the City of Knoxville, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), and Knoxville TPO in implementing this plan. 

One Life Lost Is Too Many


A Vision Zero Action Plan is led by the goal of eliminating all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries. Considering the rate of traffic-related fatalities and injuries, this goal can seem overwhelming and out of reach – but the opportunity to save lives is worth it. To make our goal a reality will require commitment to shared values and the guiding principles below. When design and policy challenges arise, these principles serve as a reminder of the importance of this work, underlying the values and elements needed to make this goal a reality. 

Pedestrian crossing in front of bus Traffic deaths and severe injuries are unacceptable and preventable.
The City of Knoxville will prioritize actions that reduce crashes that result in a severe injury or death. 

Human life is vulnerable and takes priority over moving cars.
The impact of heavy, fast-moving vehicles is often too much for our bodies. Saving lives is more important than improving roadway capacity. 

Traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility and should reflect community needs.
Everyone who lives in, works in, visits, or travels through Knoxville shares responsibility for the safety of our streets. This includes elected officials, government staff, advocates, the vehicle industry, and members of the public.

Roadways should be designed to account for human error and ensure that mistakes aren’t deadly or life-altering.
We know humans make mistakes, but one mistake should not end a life. Design of our streets should anticipate these risks and minimize harm.

Quality data, transparent evaluation, and transparent decision-making are needed at all levels of government.
High-quality data is foundational to informing safety improvements. Data should be made available to the public to hold everyone accountable on progress toward zero traffic deaths. 

Safe Systems ApproachHOW WE'LL GET THERE:

The Safe System approach is the framework that guides Vision Zero efforts.

The Safe System approach anticipates human mistakes by building redundancy into transportation systems, so if one aspect of the system breaks down, there are others in place to prevent life-altering crashes and injuries.

This approach involves identifying multiple aspects of safety: road users, vehicles, speed, road design, and post-crash care.

The Safe System approach requires adopting a culture of safety by those who plan, govern, maintain, and use our roadways in Knoxville.


As the largest municipality in the region, the City of Knoxville plays a vital role in informing and advancing regional priorities. The City of Knoxville has been a regional trendsetter with respect to safety, with the City Council passing a unanimous resolution to support a Vision Zero goal to eliminate serious injuries and traffic deaths in Knoxville.

The City has invested time and funds into plans and policies that support safer roads, including collecting and analyzing transportation safety data, establishing partnerships for comprehensive safety work, developing internal staff knowledge about safety best practices, adopting a Complete Streets Policy, and recognizing the urgency and equity implications of biking and walking safety.

With these actions, Knoxville has set the foundation for Vision Zero in the city and for the development of this plan.


As part of our Vision Zero goal, the City committed to developing an Action Plan to serve as a 'road map' to reach our goals. The City launched this planning stage in February 2022, guided by a broad coalition of stakeholders.

In late 2022, the City joined a coalition of local governments led by Knoxville-Knox County Planning to complete a Regional Roadway Safety Plan and a City-specific Action Plan.

The City's Action Plan was completed in July 2023. It focuses on engineering, education, and enforcement strategies in alignment with Vision Zero and federal 'Safe Streets For All' grant guidelines. Now, the City and partners will implement specific projects and programs recommended in the plan.

Highlights of our work so far include:

  • October 19, 2021 - City Council passes resolution endorsing Vision Zero goal
  • December 14, 2021 - City Council reduces speed limits on unposted roads and City launches 'Save Lives with 25' campaign
  • January 10, 2022 - City finalizes 'Safer and Complete Streets' study and launches public survey on road safety
  • May 15, 2022 - Bike Walk Knoxville hosts Open Streets Knoxville event on Sevier Ave
  • May 16, 2022 - Vision Zero stakeholder coalition meets for the first time
  • June 16, 2022 - WATE interviews Vision Zero leaders on speed limit reduction
  • August 18, 2022 - City Council holds workshop on active transportation studies
  • October 1, 2022 - Bike Walk Knoxville releases 'Crash Survivor Stories' video
  • January 2023 - Knox TPO begins regional roadway safety planning process
  • February 14, 2023 - TPO and City launch public outreach for respective action plans
  • June 4, 2023 - Bike Walk Knoxville hosts Open Streets event in north Knoxville
  • June 16, 2023 - Knoxville awarded Bronze-level 'Bicycle Friendly Community' from League of American Bicyclists
  • June 28, 2023 - TPO Executive Board adopts Regional Roadway Safety Action Plan
  • July 2023 - City finalizes Vision Zero Action Plan and applies for federal Safe Streets for All grant
  • August 10, 2023 - Action Plan Outlines Path to Zero Traffic Deaths on City Roads
  • August 12, 2023 - City's Vision Zero team to table at Neighborhood Resource Fair
  • December 13, 2023 - USDOT awards City $8m Safe Streets for All grant
  • January 10, 2024 - City posts Vision Zero Coordinator position
  • March 27, 2024 - Cody Gentry named Vision Zero Coordinator
  • August 22, 2024 - 2023 Annual Report Released