The Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission
(formerly known as Metropolitan Planning Commission - MPC) was established in 1956 by Knoxville and Knox County as the agency responsible for comprehensive county-wide planning and administration of zoning and land subdivision regulations and remains so today, except for the town of Farragut. Funding for the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission's activities comes primarily from city and county appropriations and from federal grants for specific studies.
The Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission is an advisory board comprised of 15 citizens—seven appointed by the City Mayor and eight appointed by the County Mayor. These volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and represent a broad spectrum of community interests and concerns. They serve staggered four-year terms without compensation and may be re-appointed. Terms are limited to two consecutive terms, then a one year break.
Commission meets 2nd Thursdays at 1:30 pm in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building.