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Orange Guardrails Reflect 'Unique Character' of Urban Wilderness Gateway Park 
Check out these colorful guardrails at new Urban Wilderness Gateway Park!

Guardrails are installed near what will be the hub of the Urban Wilderness Gateway Park.

Guardrails are installed near what will be the hub of the Urban Wilderness Gateway Park.

The highly-visible guardrails will guide visitors into the new park, as motorists decrease speeds as they approach the park, crossing the Tennessee River on James White Parkway. 

Yes, they're orange. Why orange? (Hint: It's unusual for Knoxville, but this splash of orange is unrelated to Vol Nation.)

"The color of the guardrails and streetlights reflect the unique character of the park," says Rebekah Jane Justice, Deputy Chief of Economic and Community Development. "Orange will be one of the vibrant colors used throughout the park as the next-phase amenities and structures are built later this year." 

The colors also make a design statement about the spirit of the Urban Wilderness. 

Orange throughout the United States typically is used for road and traffic signs. So you will see the orange as you leave the city density and approach the park, but then the color palette will soften to more natural colors as you get further into the Urban Wilderness.

"The Urban Wilderness is both urban and wild," Justice says. "So as you get closer to Baker Creek Preserve, you'll get a rustic, more natural feel."

Construction of the $10 million Urban Wilderness Gateway Park is at a crossroads.

The construction team is wrapping up the final infrastructure installations.

In recent months, connector roads, sidewalks, greenways and lighting have been installed, and the entrance to South-Doyle Middle School at Decatur Drive has been improved. Utilities have been installed for the two restroom buildings that will be built later this year.

The first phase of the Urban Wilderness Gateway Park construction included greenways, roads and utilities.

A second contract to finalize the park will be advertised in the coming months. The City is aiming to have the park finished by the end of 2021.

Phase 2 improvements will include rebuilding the adventure playground at Baker Creek Preserve and adding restroom and shade structures, picnic areas, play features and gathering spaces at both Baker Creek Preserve and the new Gateway Park entrance at the end of James White Parkway.

If you're exploring the area now, please be mindful of construction barriers and signage.

Posted by evreeland On 20 January, 2021 at 1:37 PM