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Mayor Rogero Speaks at National Conference on City's Successful Brownfield Redevelopment Projects 

Mayor Madeline Rogero was 1 of 5 mayors invited to speak as part of a panel at a national EPA conference on brownfields.

Mayor Madeline Rogero today shared details about Knoxville's successful brownfield redevelopment projects at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s national brownfields training conference in Chicago.

At “Brownfields 2015: Sustainable Communities Start Here,” Mayor Rogero was one of five mayors on a panel invited to describe their cities' creative projects for brownfield reuse. Mayor Rogero shared strategies for promoting reinvestment, moving outward from a downtown core, and the group discussed the next generation of brownfields.

Mayor Rogero was joined by Anne Wallace, the City's Deputy Director of Redevelopment, who has managed Knoxville's brownfield assessment programs for both the South Waterfront and Downtown North redevelopment areas. The brownfield assessment program helped to (literally) prepare the ground for the redevelopment of the former Baptist Hospital property on the South Waterfront, as well as many other redevelopment sites.

For more details, visit http://www.brownfieldsconference.org/.

Posted by evreeland On 03 September, 2015 at 4:32 PM