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City Applies for Grant to Relieve Repetitive Flooding at North Knoxville Home 
The City of Knoxville has applied for a federal grant managed through the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) to improve a North Knoxville site with a history of structural flooding.

If awarded the grant, up to $112,000 total project cost, the City would acquire the property and demolish a structure on the site. That would enhance the surrounding community by creating a permanent green space while providing additional room to contain floodwater. The improvement ultimately helps improve flood insurance rates for the citizens of Knoxville.

City officials in Stormwater Engineering say this grant will allow for the property acquisition while using minimal City resources. The grant will consist of 75 percent federal funding, 12.5 percent state funding, and 12.5 percent local (City) funding. The majority of the City’s contribution will be in the form of construction work and services with a valuation up to 12.5 percent of the total project cost.

If selected for the grant, the project could take up to two years to complete, with an estimated year spent on processing documents, obtaining permits and other required documentation.

To reach out to City Engineering regarding this project, please contact Charissa Oglesby by calling 311 or by e-mailing [email protected] 
Posted by On 07 September, 2016 at 2:49 PM