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Residents Weigh in on Future of McClung Redevelopment 
In November 2023, the City of Knoxville and Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation hosted an open house to raise awareness about -- and get public input on -- the redevelopment of the McClung Warehouse sites on Jackson Avenue. 

McClung Open House
The event's 182 attendees were offered a survey with questions related to their connection to the downtown core and their priorities related to the development of the West Jackson parcels; another 148 respondents gave their feedback when the survey was posted online. In total, the survey captured feedback from 330 individuals.

Survey says? Participants have a strong preference for walking in and around the downtown core, as well as a priority of connectivity and pedestrian improvements. Further, responses showed an emphasis on open space, mixed-income residential housing, and cultural and recreation spaces. They also expressed a desire for access to an urban grocery or market.

The full report is available online in PDF form

McClung Open House

Priorities were organized into six categories: 

Connectivity & Mobility
Building Program & Land Use
Public Space
Place Making

Event attendees reported that their priorities were Residential Housing, flexible gathering opportunities in Public Spaces, Commercial / Retail Building Program, and Place Making related to Healthy Lifestyles + Outdoor Play. Once the online survey responses were tallied, respondents focused most heavily on priorities related to Building Program & Land Use and Public Space. 

Voting results within the Building Program & Land Use category reveal a strong desire for Residential and Commercial / Retail opportunities. Open responses further emphasize this desire while calling for more mixed-income housing, alongside a desire for more work place spaces within the downtown area. 

McClung open house

Voting results within the Public Space category express a desire for Flexible Gathering as well as Pocket Park / Green Space opportunities. Open responses provide a variety of ideas related to these priorities, including expanded greenway connections and public open spaces for all ages.


Here are a few conclusions drawn from the feedback -- pulled from the feedback report -- about what the community hopes to see with the redevelopment of the West Jackson Avenue parcels. A forthcoming RFP for the redevelopment of the site will be based on both this community feedback and a market study currently underway. 


The survey reveals a strong preference for walkability in the downtown core. Many of the comments collected during the input event focused on improving and expanding pedestrian and bicycle connections. In tandem, several comments also reiterate the need for vehicle parking, especially as density increases, in the immediate area. Therefore, considering infrastructure that caters to a variety of transportation modes proves to be crucial to our community.

Access to transit also scored strongly within the voting exercise and the survey. Continuation and expanded opportunities for KAT along or near the West Jackson Avenue corridor would further bolster access and mobility.

McClung Open House

Increased density that includes a strong presence of mixed-income residential housing is a recurring theme  in the feedback. Further, results reveal a preference to expand the already vibrant downtown energy, especially related to local art and craft. Opportunities like maker spaces, galleries, and cultural gathering are recurring ideas from community members. Considering strategies that accommodate retail at various scales, while also activating the storefront and streetscape, could be an effective way to address this community preference.


All respondents saw a strong preference to expand public open space opportunities. While this can take a variety of forms, the community seems to lean toward programs related to community gathering and recreation, and seek spaces that cater to a variety of age and user groups. Considering a diverse and flexible approach to open spaces will serve to address this important community preference.

McClung Open House


Recurring ideas seen in the event comments include utilizing rooftop spaces and featuring sustainable design features. Implementing development standards that include provisions for sustainable interventions, like native plantings and stormwater management, could be a strategy for ensuring a resilient development pattern.

McClung Open House

Posted by ptravis On 04 April, 2024 at 4:19 PM