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Local Pyrography Artist Adam Henry Presents Mayor Rogero with Portrait 
Artist Adam Henry presents Mayor Madeline Rogero with a portrait he's created by burning into a piece of birch wood.

You might have seen Adam Henry’s artistry at Overcoming Believers Church, 211 Harriet Tubman St. The Reign Forest, showcasing a 150-foot mural and life-sized 3D tree, elephant and other animals, is his elaborate creation.

Originally from Brooklyn, Adam, his wife and their three children wound up in Knoxville inadvertently a few years ago. She became ill while they were traveling through; as she recovered, they both felt a calling to make Knoxville their new adopted home – and to launch his pyrography art studio here.

He’s self-taught in his technique of burning portraits into pieces of birch wood, and last week, he surprised Mayor Madeline Rogero with a portrait of her.

Adam had met the Mayor at a police appreciation gathering at his church, Overcoming Believers, and he says he admires her and wanted to present her with the portrait.

It’s not uncommon for Adam to present portraits to community leaders he respects, or to sketch everyday people in the community to get inspiration for his artwork. He enjoys giving away his sketches to people, because it can brighten someone’s day.

“A lot of people need encouragement,” he says. “I enjoy making portraits, and people are surprised when they see a sketch or the finished portrait. They’re like, ‘Wow, that’s me – how did you do that?’”

Adam, who’s worked a variety of jobs since he settled in Knoxville, says the time is right to dive full-time to making portraits. To commission a custom portrait, which costs about $275, contact Adam at [email protected] or 865-234-0921. Check out his work at www.henryportraits.com.

Posted by evreeland On 07 December, 2015 at 11:15 AM