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KAT Enhances Lot at Magnolia Ave. and Jessamine St. 
One of the early improvements to Magnolia Avenue in the project area will be the upgrade of the former Dixie Lounge and parking area into a new transit parking facility for KAT employees. While KAT bus operators spend their days transporting passengers through the streets of Knoxville, they themselves don’t have that luxury, since someone has to be behind the wheel early in the morning when buses start rolling. As KAT services have grown, so have their employee rolls and their need for parking.

KAT purchased the property adjacent to the Operations and Maintenance Facility in the spring of 2015 and began planning for parking expansion. The newly designed area will feature extensive landscaping and greening, a decorative fence and a new transit shelter, allowing employees to park and ride in to Knoxville Station, as many do to begin their shifts.

“KAT is very excited about the Magnolia Avenue Streetscapes Project and the positive changes taking place,” says Dawn Distler, Director of Transit for The City of Knoxville. “We’re glad to kick off the improvements and provide an enhanced transit stop for the neighborhood and a new park & ride facility for our employees.”

The project is now in full swing and expected to be completed in March.


Posted by bberry On 27 January, 2017 at 4:43 PM